Monday, March 29, 2010

New blog...

Really.. I just wanted to change the name of the address and I didn't know how to without making a whole new one.. SO

the new one is

it is exactly like the old one..

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Carbo Load?!?!

Research says to "carbo load" for several days before running a 1/2 or full marathon.. BUT, I say, there is no way I can do that for several days.. maybe the night before I might eat spaghetti, but I just know if I "carbo load" several days... man.. I don't even want to think about it.. I would be sick... (haha.. makes me think of an episode of The Office.. Funny..)


This week we are studying space.... So, of course I must talk about the planets, stars, sun, moon, comets, meteors.. etc.. Well.. when we began discussing planets I had to say we have 8 planets.. Not 9.. and the kids did not like it one little bit.. One boy said "WHAT ABOUT PLUTO?!?!?!" in a upset voice. I think it really disappointed him that pluto is not considered a planet.... Then I went on to tell them, "Back in my day, pluto was the nineth planet...." " pluto is classified as a dwarf planet..." Well.. at 6 and 7 they simply do not understand how it can be a planet for so long and now it is not..
So.. today, the same concerned boy said "Do you think the president can make Pluto a planet again?" I replied "Good question.. perhaps.." Boy: "I am going to be president and make it a PLANET!" (In the most exciting voice... It made me smile!)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I want to change my headline.. "KATIE" is well, nothing.. Everyone has these fun titles.. so I am thinking, if I actually "blog" then I need to think of a better name.. So... that is my problem for the day...

Coming up....

This Saturday is my first 1/2 marathon! I am ready to get it over, and here is why:

1. I am SO tired of only running for exercise.
2. I want to go back to the gym I have been paying $58 a month for.
3. Running more than 5-6 miles takes up WAY to much time!
4. Most importantly, afterwards, I will be able to say "I actually finished a 1/2 marathon."

Crazy.. Never thought I would be able to do it.. Well, technically I haven't finished it yet, but I never thought I could even train for it.. But, now 5-10 miles doesn't even seem that far.. With that all being said, I still have NO desire to do a full marathon.. But perhaps I will do another 1/2... Never know.. I do know I won't be doing this one again.. Maybe my next one will be in... Houston?!?! It is flat there... :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I am going to be an Aunt again...

That is pretty much it.. Maybe one day I will have enough interesting news in my life that I can blog like others... But for now, I will just enjoy reading others' lives..

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow in Cove!

I love snow... The only time I have seen snow blanket the ground is in Colorado...

And I LOVE Colorado.. Already planning to go skiing next Spring Break! YAY!