Thursday, March 25, 2010


This week we are studying space.... So, of course I must talk about the planets, stars, sun, moon, comets, meteors.. etc.. Well.. when we began discussing planets I had to say we have 8 planets.. Not 9.. and the kids did not like it one little bit.. One boy said "WHAT ABOUT PLUTO?!?!?!" in a upset voice. I think it really disappointed him that pluto is not considered a planet.... Then I went on to tell them, "Back in my day, pluto was the nineth planet...." " pluto is classified as a dwarf planet..." Well.. at 6 and 7 they simply do not understand how it can be a planet for so long and now it is not..
So.. today, the same concerned boy said "Do you think the president can make Pluto a planet again?" I replied "Good question.. perhaps.." Boy: "I am going to be president and make it a PLANET!" (In the most exciting voice... It made me smile!)

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