Sunday, March 21, 2010


I am going to be an Aunt again...

That is pretty much it.. Maybe one day I will have enough interesting news in my life that I can blog like others... But for now, I will just enjoy reading others' lives..


CAB said...

Alright, we saw M and A recently and they didn't say a is it J and H or L and D? :)

CAB said...

And, I'm sure you have plenty of your own interesting news to share! You're probably just too busy!

Anne said...

Katie ~ you have plenty of interesting things going on. Being an aunt again is pretty amazing, especially considering the circumstances. I'm sure you could write about your students and that would keep me very well entertained. And CAB - it's not me!!

CAB said...

I second what Anne had to say - I'm sure the daily goings on in your classroom would provide MUCH fodder for your blog! :)